
It’s been a little while since my last update. This is basically because things have been going well. No news is good news, etc… That being said, I do have a few updates.

I had an appointment with my specialist today. Just routine stuff really. We discussed the symptoms I have been experiencing so far which are all ‘normal’ and did some paperwork to book a few further appointments. I will be seeing a radiotherapist soon to start discussions on the radiotherapy treatment, which should be in the next month.

The prescription of Dexamethasone which I suspected was the cause of tightness in my chest has been reduced  half of what was previously supplied, it is not even a compulsory  drug and could be ommited completely – but we are going to continue to try it with a half dosage.

I don’t currently have any symptoms, my taste sensations have returned to normal which means I guess i’m ready for the next Chemo session. I will have a blood test done tomorrow to determine if my counts are high enough for the Chemo, though this should be fine. Mum is currently driving down to Melbourne and will be here for my next treatment on Friday.

Also, the node on my neck (the only ever visible sign of the cancer) has shrunk to a point that is no longer visible! You can still feel something if you really search for it, but this is most likely scar tissue from the death of the tumour cells. A positive  change in any case!

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