another PET…

I had my routine checkup today. This involved the reading of blood test (blood taken yesterday) as well as a physical check for enlarged lymph nodes, performed by my oncologist.

Nothing was found with the physical check and the blood test looks good, except for one value that is slightly elevated. This value is Eosinophils and this value was also elevated prior to my treatment (current value is 0.82).

There can be many reasons why this value can be higher than normal, most commonly it is seen in people affected by hayfever, asthma or Eczema. An elevated reading is also seen in people with Advanced Hodgkins.

Both my Oncologist and I are not worried that this is related to cancer, however just to be sure I have had my PET scan advanced forward. I will be going in for another PET scan around the 13th July (date not yet confirmed).

I should also mention that I am currently suffering from Eczema (which I seem to get on my legs during the dry winter months).

all clear :)

I had a consultation with my oncologist today and the PET scan was all clear. There is no detectable cancer in my body which means I have not relapsed since the last PET scan (3 months). Every day past post treatment, the rate of relapse decreases. For me it is already at a very low rate, and this will gradually become  ‘0%’ over the coming months/years.

From here for the next 2 years I will need to have checkups every 3 months. My next checkup will be a physical checkup and a blood test which will also specifically test the function of my thyroid.

At the 6 month mark, I will have another PET scan.

At 9 months it will be another physical test & blood test and finally at 12 months another PET scan.

This cycle will repeat for year 2.

Year 3 will require less checkups, but I may be getting a bit ahead of myself now 😉

Anyway – off to enjoy the weekend 🙂

‘final’ PET scan

Today I had my ‘final confirmation’ PET scan. The results of this will determine if the treatment initially given to me was enough and if it was then i’ll be ‘cured’ and will not require any more treatment. I will find out the results of this test on Friday.


Back to work

Last week my first ‘full’ week back at work. I am putting that in quotes as I have not been working full days, but I have been going to work every day. Usually for around 6-6.5 hours a day, which I think is a pretty good achievement.

I am still feeling a little tired some afternoons and feel like sleeping a bit more than usual in the mornings. My neck has reduced in redness and my skull is less sore. Still going to look weird for awhile yet though I think.