Second day of tests

My second day of tests, today is Bone Marrow – followed later by the PET.

The first order of the day was inserting a cannula into my arm. As it was a requirement to fast from food and water for 12 hours, my veins were not as prominent as they should be and it took the nurse 3 goes to get the cannula work as expected. Right hand and arm slightly sore, but cannula installed on left arm after a little struggle.

Shortly after I was taken to a room with a bed whilst I waited for another Haemotologist. When he was ready to start the nurse gave me 3 (mg?) of Diazepam. All I remember is feeling the doctor prod the area a bit with his fingers, then telling the nurse to give me another 2 (mg?) of Diazepam. The next thing I remember is waking up in the hospital bed. Apparently I had slept for 1 hour in the bed after the operation 🙂

After this it was time to goto the PET area for my scan. I was still a little bit sleepy at this stage. I was given another injection through the cannula and was told to lie down and relax. I had my iPhone and listened to music and think I went back to sleep again. This was for about 45 minutes. After this rest period I then went into the PET room and sat inside the donut for 20 minutes whilst the system scanned my body.

The effects of the Diazepam had worn off by the time my PET scan was complete. My hip is a little sore when sitting down and getting up again. Walking is not affected.

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