First day after first Chemotherapy

I had a good nights sleep and woke up only a few times during the night to have a drink of water. I suffered no pain or nausea/vomiting – which is always a good thing!

All 3 of my compulsary anti-nausea medications seemed to do the trick today as well. It seems my body is coping well with the treatment thus far.

Today my mother cut my hair. I have now a shaved head (I think it is number 3, so its not ALL gone) but its good and will make things a bit easier for when/if I loose my hair. I have been told that if this does happen it will most likely be around the third week of treatment.

I also went for a small walk (2km) today, though upon returning I did feel quite fatigued and had a lie down after this. I need to take things a bit slower, especially in the days just post chemotherapy sessions.